
LESSON TWO - Get out of your comfort zone

Watch the video fully aware with your eyes open.

Watch the video a second time with your eyes closed.

Watch the video a third time with your eyes open and take some spontaneous notes (words, thoughts, inspirations).

Use the week to reply to the questions below by writing them down & practice the video content in your daily routine.

Actions & Questions:

1. Mindfulness practices: Formal (breathing, meditating) & informal (drinking tea, walking in the street, ...) Be mindful in your journey.

2. Close your eyes to explore your touch, sight, hearing, smell and taste. One sense at a time, explore eating with your eyes closed.

3. Give one hug per day for a week for a minimum of 1 minute to a different person you know or not.

4. Take an action that is scary, speak to 2 strangers in a cafe and smile to 10 people (both male & female).

5. Be in silence for 10 minutes per day without moving.