
Who do you feel you are?

A great pleasure to interview this successful entrepreneur, business strategist, writer, well-know coach, Simon Alexander Ong.

The most wonderful existential question: Who are you?

That made me think about what people often ask you: What do you do?

Indirectly, you’re drawn to reply, I am a doctor, I am a banker, I am a teacher….

We can easily become entitled giving this kind of reply…

Reflections & Exercises

Pay attention to what you want to reply to this question with.

I am helping people as a GP, I love teaching, I work for a bank… far from labelling yourself using phrases like “I AM”… could help you release your essence with your title even if you love what you do so much and feel aligned with it…

How many times, when you meet someone new do you start with these questions:

What do you do? Which school you have been to? Which certificate have you got?

This week, you could try asking new questions… See where those lead you; new actions, new conversations, new connections…

That’s great — we’ve studied, worked, got promotions.

Do you know who you are outside of your job? How would you define yourself if you were to lose everything tomorrow?

In this interview we are exploring 3 words to describe your personality and character. Which are yours?

You can try presenting yourself this week with new points instead of your certificate, status, or school… Give a try to see how worthy you feel.

I believe in BEING, this state allows you to strengthen your mindset, learn about equanimity, handle everything with more resilience and satisfaction in life…

THIS IS NOT TO BE LAZY — it’s having the power to believe in your natural talents, to believe that your values are your own, your true weapon to share, to inspire others, to feel enough.

Enjoy these reflections in order to grow in all areas of your life…