
LESSON ONE - Learn about your values

Watch the video fully aware with your eyes open.

Watch the video a second time with your eyes closed.

Watch the video a third time with your eyes open and take some spontaneous notes (words, thoughts, inspirations).

Use the week to reply to the questions below by writing them down & practice the video content in your daily routine.

Actions & Questions:

1. Be curious: Explore one new activity you’ve never done before and change your routine (take a new walk, go to a new coffee place, begin a new routine...)

2. Be grounded: Walk barefoot everyday at home or in the grass/water/sand. Give yourself a self-massage to your hands and feet for self-healing & peace.

3. Be aligned with yourself: Make a list of your depleting activities and relationships & say exactly what you have in your chest to that relevant person.

4. Ask this: Which values would you like to grow?